A Full of Year of Health & Fitness Tips and Activities

Make 2011 a year of healthy habits and a better lifestyle. Take the opportunity to try new sports, workouts or other activities. Make new goals and set a plan in place to achieve them. Find tips for living a healthier lifestyle. Join me to make 2011 your best year yet!!!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

January 13 - Saying It Makes It So

You can have the life you want all you have to do is ask. Put it out into the universe and it will come back to you. If you haven't read or heard of "The Secret" let me introduce you to the concept. The idea is the law of attraction. Whatever you put out in the world is what will come back to you. So if you want success, happiness, health and good things in life, say it. Send it into the universe. You are meant to have an amazing life and it is there for the taking. You are in charge of your destiny. If you are unsuccessful, unhappy, unhealthy and bad things are happening, you need to look at the energy you are sending out everyday into the world. Words and actions matter in this life. Positive words and energy come back to you but so does the negative.

Daily affirmations are hugely important in having a healthy life. A healthy mindset is the first step to overall health. You should write your affirmations down and have them in places you can see them. Say them out loud three times a day. Affirmations should be positive thoughts of the lifestyle you want to have.

Here are some examples of daily affirmations:
  • I radiate love everywhere I go.
  • I deserve happy, healthy, positive relationships
  • I am beautiful in every way. A light shines through me and inspires all.
They are little reminders of the kind of person you are aspiring to be. These must be said out loud daily. Its best to say them looking into a mirror. A good idea is to place them on your bathroom mirror so you can see them upon waking and before bed.

So write down your affirmations and begin achieving the life you want and deserve.

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