A Full of Year of Health & Fitness Tips and Activities

Make 2011 a year of healthy habits and a better lifestyle. Take the opportunity to try new sports, workouts or other activities. Make new goals and set a plan in place to achieve them. Find tips for living a healthier lifestyle. Join me to make 2011 your best year yet!!!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

January 1 - Making the Plan

January 1, 2011!!! Can't believe a new year is here. It's time to think about those New Year's Resolutions again. The difference is this time you're going to do them - Right?!! (That is not a rhetorical question.) Say it out loud: "I'm going to make resolutions and see them through. This is the year!"

Those list are meaningless unless you make a plan to see them through. So evaluate where you are and set your goals. Write your goals down in a journal or notebook. Writing them down where you can see them daily will help you stay on track.

Take the time to figure out a course of action to get you right on track to achieve your goals. If your goal is weight loss. make a plan for eating healthy and working out. If your goal is to be more physically fit, make a plan to do more activities and plan your workouts. If you just go day to day hoping the right choices jump into your day you will be sadly disappointed. There is not a fairy godmother waiting to wave her wand to make your goals a reality. You have to make it happen.

Your greatest tool is pen and paper. You should journal everything; what you eat, your stats (weight, measurements), your workouts, how you feel during the day, EVERYTHING!!! Being able to look back at your days helps you find patterns. Then you can make changes to the patterns.

Journaling your food intake is extremely important. You don't realize what you consume until you write it down. I am amazed at clients who I have consults with who need to lose 50 lbs and say "I really eat healthy. I don't really overeat." Are you kidding?!!! They are always surprised when they write it down and then we add the numbers. A lot of people say they don't have time to write it down or its too much of a bother. But if you want to make changes you have to know what to change. Take the time. It is important.

Then plan your workouts. Schedule them into your day just like any meeting or task. Make it part of your day like brushing your teeth. It is just something you are going to do. And find a workout that suites you. Everyone has a workout personality - find yours!

Start 2011 with a plan for success!


  1. Mind mapping is another great tool for mapping out your goals.

  2. We will talk more about mind mapping later in the month!
