A Full of Year of Health & Fitness Tips and Activities

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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

January 12 - Size Does Matter

When thinking about dieting and nutrition don't overlook the importance of portion control. The biggest problem with the American diet is we overeat because there is no real understanding of what is an appropriate amount to eat.

The worst culprit is eating out in restaurants. Most restaurant portions are double what they should be. Make a habit of when you eat out to ask for a box at the beginning of the meal and cut your food in two portions and box up 1/2 right away. This will keep you from mindlessly eating more than you should.

At home use smaller plates. And remember to fill your plate 1/2 full of veggies before helping yourself to the other items. And put the food on your plate in the kitchen instead of bringing the food to the table. That will prevent you from picking and eating more food while at the table. Make your plate and only eat what is on it. That goes for eating while preparing the food as well. You'd be surprised how many calories are consumed before the food makes it to the table.

So size does matter, and smaller is better!

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